David Williamson Plays
One of Australia’s Living National Treasures and its best known and most widely performed playwright, David Williamson brings us five of his latest works. Now in his 70s, age has not wearied him, and indeed this collection exemplifies Williamson’s uncanny ability to be timely, relevant and thoroughly modern.
As director Sandra Bates notes in her introduction Williamson is unique in Australian theatre because of ‘his ability to see and understand Australia’s current circumstances, our society’s circumstances right here, right now; indeed to be ahead of what is current’.
At Any Cost?
Deals with delicate end-of-life issues, and the huge costs of keeping extremely ill patients alive
Cast :3M, 2F
Managing Carmen
A secretively cross-dressing AFL superstar threatens lucrative advertising dollars
Cast: 3M, 2F
Nothing Personal
Two highly ambitious book publishing executives go head-to-head in an all-out war over the top job—and unsurprisingly in 2012 it’s two women!
Cast: 2M, 5F
Rhinestone Rex and Miss Monica
Two fortysomething lonely singles come together in a delightful romantic comedy
Cast: 1M, 1F
When Dad Married Fury
This play has it all—the GFC, a billionaire, intense inheritance battles and a Tea-Party beauty queen!